

A series of poetry workshops, performances and critical dialogues on art, mental health and well-being.

Black and white artwork by Colin Hambrook - A starling standing on a perch, beak facing towards the back, right side of the image. Behind the starling is an amorphous shape made up of small dots, darkening in some areas to form hollows.


Art Gallery NSW, Saturday, 5 August, 11am 

Black and white drawing by Colin Hambrook. A person with a maze where the brain would be, a room in the chest area and a two-story house below that. There is a house key to the right side of the person's head. The words 'ending' on the left side of the head and on the right side, the word 'beginning'. The word 'reclamation' is written across the roof of the house. There is a cockroach on the left side of the image near the person's shoulder and a bee-like insect on the right side of the person. In the bottom left corner of the image there is a head. It appears to be peaking into the drawing, looking at the viewer. The ears, eyes and nose are visible and the elongated top half of the skull is filled with drawers.

RECLAMATION Writing a letter to the future

The Glasshouse, State Library NSW, Thursday, 3 August, 10am

Black and white drawing by Colin Hambrook. A head with the face turned slightly looking towards the left of the image. Inside the head are various rooms with people and creatures with human heads. In some rooms there are steps leading nowhere, arrows, ticks, crosses, a no entry sign.


Art Gallery NSW, Wednesday, 2 August, 12.30pm

Designed by Louise Kate Anderson. The blue silhouette of the profile of a woman's head facing the blue silhouette profile of a man's head. A white conversation bubble above the woman overlaps with a bubble above the man. The overlapping section is blue. In the blue section there is a question mark and the words - new ideas, different perspectives, pathways, understanding, shared future. In the bubble above the man are the words personal accounts, qualitative lived experience, constructive criticism, healthcare, unique ability to describe and convey emotion, truth, standard of living. In the bubble above the woman's head are the words clinical point of view, statistics, time & money concerns, constraints, quantitative experience, data, duty of care, presumed mutual bias, distrust. The background is black.


The Hatchery, UTS, Friday, 4 August, 6.30pm 


Supported by the Art Gallery of NSW